What we stand for


Psalm 27:4

To minister to the Lord and to partner with His Heart through intercession that Gods’ will would be done on earth as it is already in heaven


Matthew 6:10

As a house of prayer, we have been called “for such a time as this” to sit as watchman on the wall contending through day & night prayer for the release of Gods’ promises over Israel, the Church, and our local communities.


Isaiah 62: 6-7

We desire to see people encounter and experience the beauty of the Lord which would cause their hearts to come alive with the love of God.

TWR is a missional ministry where singers, musicians, and intercessors lead live prayer and worship meetings with a focus on growing in intimacy with the Father as well as doing the work of missions from the place of prayer. This ministry is open to the public providing a place to pray and sit in the presence of God. We believe the Lord is strategically calling His Bride to walk out the prophetic promise of Isaiah 56:7 that declares, “Gods’ house shall be called a house of prayer.”

Jonathan Bauver

President & Director

Jonathan Bauver is missionary that serves in full-time ministry. 2011 the Lord called him to “full-time worship” and without knowing what that meant, several years later ended up moving his family to Kansas City, MO to attend The International House of prayer University. At IHOPU Jonathan studied and graduated with a degree in worship ministries and would later join staff at IHOPKC as a full-time musician. Its was there in that 24/7 prayer and worship environment where the Lord would invite and call Jonathan to start TWR House of Prayer.

Angela Bauver


Angela is full-time mom of 3 beautiful children who also serves in ministry as a missionary. As little girl even before Angela was saved the Lord would give her dreams of becoming a missionary. Angela never could’ve imagined that her mission field would be the prayer room. But with her love for intercession and a desire to contend for healing Angela has said yes to Lords invitation to the start TWR house of prayer.

Tom Everett


Lucy Everett


Our Singers, Musicians, and Intercessors

Worship Team

We Love our singers, musicains and intercessors, they keep the prayer and worship going! This team and every person that serves at TWR has gone through an 8 week training course that teaches them the biblical foundations of this ministry as well as the practical aspects of hosting live prayer and worship.

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10 Pond St Winchendon MA, 01475

Give us a ring!

+1-508-335-1693 | Mon – Fri, 10:00am-5:00pm

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